Geological Mapping

Preliminary geological study
Report compilation,
Development of mobile geological mapping and data capture applications with ArcGIS, ArcGis Cloud, Field Maps and Survey 123.
Development of mobile app with QGis, QGis Cloud, and QField.
Data capture and digitalization
Target Generation
Geological mapping field campaign
Geochemistry programmes: soil sampling, stream sediments, rock prospecting.
Geophysical ground and airborne survey interpretation.
Identify tectonic and structural controls, geological characteristics, geochemical and geophysical signatures, geochronological relationships and exploration strategies.
Geological mapping at various scales from regional overviews to more detailed prospect scale mapping.
Geochemistry interpretation.
Tectonic and geochemistry discrimination diagrams.
Structural geology analysis.

Capacity building
Training and supervising technicias and junior geologists
Quality controls
Database management
Geological profiles / Cross section
3D Modelling
Graphic design
Scientific reports